
Opportunity Lost: The Money You Didn’t Make Because of Long Lines

One of the things we like to think about in marketing is the amount of money you didn’t make by doing something poorly. For example, the lack of an online presence (website, claimed Google Business listing, etc.) guarantees that people who want to find what you have won’t. Massive opportunity lost. Wait times, guests leaving […]

Three Ways to Do Direct Mail for Small Businesses

Though we’re primarily a digital marketing company, we love doing direct mail campaigns. As a company with a local focus and one with mostly a business-to-business model, we have found that reaching out directly to businesses in the mail has very high returns on investment. There are three ways to do direct mail: 1) use […]

Kona Impact Donates a Truck Load of School Supplies

It pains me to see kids who do not receive the support they need to become lifelong learners. No kid should start the school day hungry and without needed school supplies. If we can’t meet these basic needs, there is no way we’re going to see our keiki achieve the love of learning and the […]

Submit your TMT testimony

The Thirty Meter Telescope is probably the most contentious project in Hawaii. Both sides have made their points, and there is probably not a lot that is going to persuade someone to change sides. As a parent, long-term resident, and business owner, I see the TMT as broadly positive for our community. I will not […]